Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I like to start my research by reading recent articles in newspapers such as the NYT.  I go to their web sites and find relevant articles.  After reading the articles I have a larger set of terms to search with.  I also like to go to databases such as ProQuest or other relevant databases. I determine the validity of the sites by looking at the authors credentials and looking at the bibliography.  I look for respected sources and authors.  If I do not find them, I will not use the source. If I am starting research on a topic I know nothing about I may start by looking at a Wiki site, in order to get some background.  The only RSS feeds that I have are for science related podcasts.  I would use these the same as NYT articles.  They would be a spring board to find more in depth articles.  
I help my students engage in effective search strategies by giving them links on my edline page to good web sites.  I would also have them brainstorm search words and related topics.  I would also talk to them about checking the bibliographies for respected authors and journals.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The only experience I have with blogging is reading a friends blog. I first read her blog this summer. I have very little experience with this type of communication so I don't know how blogging will affect my communication. I think blogging in the classroom will be another tool that I can use to get students to write and think. I am glad I have a chance to learn about this tool through this class. I am not quite done with the reading so I may add more to this later, but I wanted to make sure I entered a blog today.
My friend's blog Ellen Meets India is a well written blog because she is funny and includes pictures. It is a great way for her many friends to find out how her first year of teaching in India is going.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What to do with digital writing?

I would like to have my environmental science class create blogs to discuss current environmental issues. I would also like to have students create shared workspace for doing research on environmental topics. I also like the idea of the role playing that was mentioned in the reading. I could assign a controversial topic and then assign roles for students to play.  I especially like the participatory nature of digital writing.  I would like my students to become participating citizens concerning environmental issues.

I would like to have students listen to and create their own podcasts concerning environmental issues.