Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I like to start my research by reading recent articles in newspapers such as the NYT.  I go to their web sites and find relevant articles.  After reading the articles I have a larger set of terms to search with.  I also like to go to databases such as ProQuest or other relevant databases. I determine the validity of the sites by looking at the authors credentials and looking at the bibliography.  I look for respected sources and authors.  If I do not find them, I will not use the source. If I am starting research on a topic I know nothing about I may start by looking at a Wiki site, in order to get some background.  The only RSS feeds that I have are for science related podcasts.  I would use these the same as NYT articles.  They would be a spring board to find more in depth articles.  
I help my students engage in effective search strategies by giving them links on my edline page to good web sites.  I would also have them brainstorm search words and related topics.  I would also talk to them about checking the bibliographies for respected authors and journals.

1 comment:

  1. Pat- Your pod cast feeds really interest me; how do you locate what you want? Whenever I'm in Teacher Tube etc the searches pull up so much that is tangential or is a poorly done ‘talking head’ that I give up. Any tips?
