Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The only experience I have with blogging is reading a friends blog. I first read her blog this summer. I have very little experience with this type of communication so I don't know how blogging will affect my communication. I think blogging in the classroom will be another tool that I can use to get students to write and think. I am glad I have a chance to learn about this tool through this class. I am not quite done with the reading so I may add more to this later, but I wanted to make sure I entered a blog today.
My friend's blog Ellen Meets India is a well written blog because she is funny and includes pictures. It is a great way for her many friends to find out how her first year of teaching in India is going.


  1. Pat you make a great point about not knowing how the blog will impact your communication style. Many of us are still figuring this out as we take up blogging more and more.

    As for your friend teaching in India, it would be great (if the blog is public) to link her blog to your entry. I'd love to see what she is up to, as others probably would too.

  2. On re-reading your entry, Pat, I am reminded of a great article about science teachers using blogs as lab notebooks. Let me know if you'd like me to make you a copy of it for you.

  3. How interesting to have a friend teach in another country. Wouldn't that be a great way to connect students, too?! As I'm typing this, an international blog of sorts would be such a neat thing-and with your area of study, to find out what environmental things are happening in India and what people are doing to help vs. what we're doing here-it would/could lead to an interesting discussion!

  4. Pat! I just head this amazing interview with a HS science teacher on NPR's Science Friday yesterday (as I was driving to Grand Marais...hurray for personal days!). You can listen to the interview from the website:

    The teacher talked about how she's integrated web tools into her classroom in powerful ways, and her classroom blog looks fantastic. Her students are blogging about topics of their own interest, she posts various related stuff, etc. I highly recommend you spend some time exploring her website. Here's a link to that:

    After you enter the classroom website, you can then click on the classroom blog, or wiki, or videos, or whatever. I mostly explored the blog, but I bet you'll find a lot of good stuff.
